Saturday, April 6, 2019

South Africa Needs Enterprenerurs

How do you go about starting a business?

The Small  Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) provides business development and support services for small enterprises. Seda will give you all the information you need to start a business including how to write a business plan, and once you have a business, to grow it.
The Department of Labour has useful tips for self -employment.

Funding for various types of businesses is available through the Industrial Development Corporations  or the Department of Trade and Industry's Government Investment Incentives.


  1. Our country really need entrepreneurs especially in youth

  2. Encouraging entrepreneural skills such a great topic

  3. Thanks for sharing with us this useful information this is really going to help me because one day I would like to start a business

  4. yes brother there are no jobs now being an entrepreneur is the best solution now
